Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sleep Tight

i think the reason why they say sleep tight is bcos sometimes when yu sleep your mind feels as if it's drifting in a million directions at once. so yu say sleep tight so that yu keep your thoughts and your mind close to yu when yu sleep so they dont run all over the place and yu dont hafta go catch them before yu wake up and end up even more exhausted than when yu went to bed. sleep tight - wrap yourself up in a cocoon, don't spread yourself too thin and don't lose yourself in your dreams.

I love shermaine's way of thinking :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cute and interesting thought :) Take care!

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

read somewhere that the origin of the phrase 'sleep tight' comes from Shakespeare, I think. One character used the word "tight" to mean "well"; I can't recall the exact phrase, something like "i hope your _______ was tight". After that 'sleep well' became 'sleep tight'.


8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not so sure if it wuz fr shakespeare... aniway u r rite to say that tight jus meant soundly... there goes another phrase coined by a now dead man :D

Apparently tour guides liked to say that sleep tight originated fr rope beds that had to b tightened (if not they'd sag). But i do remember some authority on the english language sayin tt tour guides were jus bein vectors of yet another myth (aren't they so darn good at it) when they made such a claim...

9:13 AM  

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