Saturday, July 30, 2005

College Day

I've got a jaw ache from 45mins of Russell Peters :)
So on to some idle thoughts since I'm too high to hit the hay.

I think college life is akin to the newspapers.

We all know that it's the ads that constitute the most expensive parts of the newspaper, yet people often overlook or intentionally avoid them for they serve no apparent purpose, or so they think. College activites are just like newspaper advertisements, as our main curriculum is to the articles. Companies waste resources paying creatives to conceptualise the most attractive ads, just like how various adhocs put in all their time effort and money into making every event as successful as possible.

I believe in the celebration of efforts, and there's so much that can be learnt from all these events, especially from failure. But before I start sounding like a stuffy diplomat, no I'm not encouraging any change of habits whatsoever. It's just the way different people view different things, and to quote Russell Peters, whatever makes you happy :)

Wouldn't life be boring without advertisements? You wouldn't know what's going on, as much. But I guess it doesn't matter if you couldn't care less about the community you live in, which isn't a crime really. And to bring the illustration further I think CCAs are like the Life section. It just adds colour to your newspaper.

On to College Day, here's a brilliant entry from the VJC Moblog that sums up the event as witnessed from those in the hall. One of the best entries yet, now that is what you call the victorian spirit!

It was quite a different story from where i was though. Was involved in taking photos for the Moblog with Colin and was hence at the heart of the action, quite literally. As in I had to go right up to Tharman and shoot him. Hee. I guess the best part was seeing some of the seniors again and speaking to Mrs Dawn Lee for a fleeting second and reminiscing the time i was at the prize table last year.

Wouldn't life be boring without advertisements?

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Fate really works in the strangest of ways :)

Today has been ultra dramamania. Imagine having lived with someone for a almost a decade and then not hearing from him until another decade later only to find out that he's become a totally changed man. Honestly, I'm happy for him, though the transformation itself is quite unbelievable! And then there was this huge sms booboo I made and a mini outburst because of the ear, and many other interesting little revelations here and there.

I think I need a heart of steel, and someone who can really widthstand all my nonsense. Thanks moo!

Doesn't it seem that SDD is drawing near? That only means that the As are looming and prelims are almost here! 27 more days! Colin was saying how SDD reveals what kind of friends you have, and I so agree. I'm not used to everybody just sitting back and watching the tide and not doing anything about it. Somehow it was taken for granted in RG that everybody went for prom unless they had other family commitments. After all, it's the last time we would get together as a batch and it's that kind of spirit and fun we honour :) Over here people think it's just cool to hate the council and whatever they're doing? Ohsigh.

And someone asked me one day how many friends I could actually trust my life with. I have three and we concluded that I'm either far too trusting or seriously lucky. I don't know. But I just know that when I pray I don't really ask for luck or wealth or health. All I ask is to meet good people along the way. It sucks if everybody you meet just wants a piece of your flesh.

Just let me leave my rosetinted glasses on for while would you :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


one week behind my revision schedule

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Being Weird

Gah. Was looking forward to Corrinne May's Homecoming Concert but apparently tickets have been sold out already! Shall just have to take comfort in my DimSumDollies tickets :)

A great weekend for introspection and daydreaming. Yes it's been more than a month after returning from US and I'm still sorting through my photos. Was looking through the Disneyland ones and thinking about how part-time work itself is already so much more fun over in LA than over there. I could go work as the Chip&Dale mascot or something. But then again it's hard to sustain that bounce the whole day if you're tigger and I'd probably get dragged by kids half my size if I had Merlin's beard or Eeyore's tail so maybe I'm just not cut out to be a mascot either.

Then I was wondering what would happen if I put a shark through my roof or if I were to build my house shaped like a naked woman (Mexico) or just do something bizzare and attention seeking... and have neighbours all the way from the opposite side of Singapore write in to the STforums and HDB officials knocking on my door and getting all the warning letters. And we wonder why such stuff don't happen over here.

I found the perfect word to describe Singapore - Sterile, meaning clean, efficient, effective, but that's about it. In other words, Too Clean, Too efficient, Too effective. But who's complaning, it's when you have met the basics that you go back and think, what if.

And I was reading into the lives of starving artists in New York:

"On the streets crowds of people were staggering this way and that, newly released from their office tombs. Grim faces, worm down like cobblestones, never to make anything of their lives. These were the worker bees and drones, who had been imprisoned in American thought-patterns since birth, with no hope for escape but the weekly mililon dollar lottery. Walking at a slow speed, which drove me crazy. But what would have motivated them to move quickly?

It didn't bother me, the looks and stares I got. People were angry with me, and why? Because I was some sort of freak, an artist. They were trapped, and I wasn't. So I felt smug, even though I was starving.."

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mind Unwired
Nearly done but not quite there.

This is what I have been busy with. 2 nights without sleep and still counting. Sometimes I wish I were less of a perfectionist. I don't see how people can give in sloppy work and not care at all. I'm dead tired but standards have been set, deadlines must be met. Actually I just want to see it done, well.

It seems like I'm posed with new dilemmas every night.

And I just spent 4hours online earlier doing absolutely nothing. I guess that's what you call a block. I had a million windows open (my taskbar actually had this long scrollbar) but nothing was happening. Half the time I was trying to find the correct window. I realise that I make alot of decisions for people. I'm in power eh? Come on people have a mind of your own! Half the time, no, more than half the time I don't know the answer either. There's never an answer anyway it's just how you see things.

I think my mind is just in a mess.

Now is the only time there is. Make your now wow, your minutes miracles, and your days pay. Your life will have been magnificently lived and invested, and when you die you will have made a difference. --Mark Victor Hansen

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Planarity! (courtesy of moo)
My computer hanged at level 12 because the flash scripts were getting too heavy! Looks Intimidating eh? Gah, but I wasn't allowed to continue!

I actually threw down The Economist yesterday and picked up a Chinese Book! It was a good change :) Chinese expression is actually much more beautiful. There's so much more to appreciate when you don't do stuff for the sake of the syllabus.

And check out the Iflea! You've just got to see this!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Do the Kiwishot. Nothing fantastic, a game only good if you need to destress. I got up till level 12 on my first try and didn't feel like playing it a second time.

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Crazy Ones

Had a very insightful day today, although my moo went bonkers and Mr boy was trying to surprise us with something very unsurprising and I decided to argue my way out of GP and in turn had to take notes on the board while Fsu sat in the chair. Revenge? lol

To the SV peeps, it's 15mins to our one month anniversary! The day we flew out of our little fishbowls and gained enlightenment haha! Commemorating this event, I decided to post this poem that's still stuck in my head. There was something I really really liked about it when I first came across it while prepping for one of the SV priming sessions. Written by steve jobs, founder of Apple Inc.

Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.

They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify them or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.

Because they change things.
They invent. They imagine.
They heal. They explore.
They create. They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.
How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?
Or sit in silence and hear a song that's never been written?
Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.
While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

Think Different.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Hm, my horoscope prophesizes that I'll be at my peak of creativity this week! OH what a whole load of bullshit. Anyway I just turned down another business prospect yesterday, for a public listed company. He said I shouldn't be turning down business when I'm just starting out. Opportunities don't come often, to which I've learnt to disagree. When opportunity does not come to you you jolly well go search and create opportunity!

But this reminds me of Leslie's joke:

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Opportunity's here.
That's impossible! Opportunity knocks only once!

The tables have turned this time around.

Had a very fruitful weekend. Found solace in solitude.

What Distinguishes Designer Sheep From Desighner Goats Is The Ability To Stroke A Cliche Until It Purrs Like A Metaphor.

New Game curtesy of Victor: MiniGlobs!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Answer



Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Am getting into loads of trouble. I thought I studied enough to pass physics but apparently not. The level average is also quite disgusting, I'm wondering if it's just the paper or our rabbit year batch is just one apathetic unambitious bunch.

Oh London won and yeah my prediction holds :) Quite happy actually cause it's even more reason for the British High Commission to HURRY UP and give us our Sterling Pounds (which have depreciated ever since we won the competition).

Yes I'm turning down every biz opportunity that comes by. 8th one today. Opportunity costs too high :(


It's been a long time since I've flipped the papers I'm feeling too ignorant.

Anyway, check out the Ten Books Every Student Should Read in College and The Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

My Game

Sorry I'm not in the best of moods.

The high point yesterday was when I got those piercings. Not as bad as I expected, and as much as they call them guns, the instrument sounded more like a stapler to me. Was quite fun actually, and now I have mini gold star studs!

Got back both maths papers today too, scrapped an A for maths but got my usual F for the other. Was really thrilled because I was expecting a single digit mark for the latter and I exceeded my own expectations wahaha! And if you convert it to a percentage over the number of marks I actually ATTEMPTED I got like an 87% accuracy so whatthehell I should be rejoicing lol. Though I will be joining the HOD for kopi in his office and my parents will probably get an appointment for the teachers' meet parents session very very soon...

But I'm fully contented playing my own game on my own grounds with my own rules. Like seriously, I don't know what's with all the comparing. I think I know what I'm doing.

Anyway it's 84 111 minutes more to prelims! And in my game, this is the time where I cut off all the peripherals and isolate myself from the world!! Ok maybe it's not THAT bad but I do think I need some academic assurance now. The next 4 months could potentially determine my next 4 years and I've closed so many doors I don't want to close any more.
